Dr. Maria Teresa Llopiz
Otorhinolaryngology, Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine
As a doctor specializing in otolaryngology (ENT) with 29 years experience, I have expanded my knowledge to provide universal care for my patients uniting as a single concept health, happiness, energy, and aesthetics. My purpose is to guide patients to understand their health needs and design, in an individual fashion, a care plan for each one of you. We will work together on the road towards a better life that includes health, general well-being and aesthetical improvements.
Como médico especialista en otorrinolaringología (ENT) con 29 años de experiencia, he querido extender mis conocimientos y proveer un cuidado universal a mis pacientes, uniendo como un solo concepto la salud, la felicidad, la energía y estética. Mi propósito es llevar a mis pacientes a entender sus necesidades de salud y diseñar de una manera individual un plan de cuidado para cada uno de ustedes. Trabajaremos conjuntamente en el camino hacia una mejor vida que incluya la salud, el bienestar general, y el lucir mejor estéticamente.
How the female doctor that couldn’t, did.
by: Armando A. Diaz
Cuban doctors cannot work in the United States, at least not without a fight. Female doctors have it rough no matter the country. But Doctor Llopiz, an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist in Miami, Florida is an exception!
The doctor entered her office on the phone apparently calming down a patient on the other line. She said to the patient, “this is exactly what we were hoping for, I promised you everything would be okay, and it will be.” She looked up from her paperwork after sitting… Clearly her patients took priority over this interview so she quickly began her story.
In 1992 Doctor Llopiz fled Cuba to the United States, a single mother with a medical license not valid in her new country. She worked odd-jobs to feed her children for six years while studying to revalidate her medical license. But medicine is in her blood, and her love of healing is the heart that pumps it.
A long time patient, Maria Tejeda said, “Both when I lived in Cuba, then when I came here in 2000, La Doctora (The doctor in spanish, referring to Dr. Llopiz) Is the only person I trust to take care of me and my family”
A communist regime couldn’t stop her from working her way to the top, and her skill in otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat medicine) did not let her down in her new country either. She is followed by hundreds of patients anywhere she goes, providing services such as endoscopies, balance therapy, botox and hearing aids.
Dr. LLopiz has over 29 years of experience as a practicing physician. She's an Otorhinolaryngology Specialist. Member of the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG), member of the American Medical Association (AMA) and member of the Florida Medical Association (FMA). Dr. LLopiz has been doing Aesthetic Procedures, using her Otorhinolaryngology Specialty as an advantage that furthers her knowledge and abilities, with outstanding results. She is currently still practicing as an Otorhinolaryngology Specialist, staying informed and active in the latest procedures and techniques.
La Doctora LLopiz tiene mas de 29 años de experiencia practicando como Otorrinolaringóloga. Es miembro del "Age Management Medicine Group" (AMMG), miembro del "American Medical Association" (AMA) y miembro del "Florida Medical Association" (FMA). La Doctora ha venido desarrollando exitosamente la medicina estética de cuello y cara, apoyandose en sus profundos conocimientos como especialista de Otorrinolaringología, manteniendo un elevado nivel de actualización en las ultimas técnicas y procedimientos.
oto·lar·yn·gol·o·gy also called otorhinolaryngology
noun \-ə-jē\ plural oto·lar·yn·gol·o·gies